Update 1.9.2 is out!

Hey, everybody! I just wanted to let you know, 1.9.2 is out! Sorry it took so long, my internet was utter trash this last week.

Here's what 1.9.2 adds to the Dawn of the New Hour experience:

  • Added in the Otnemarcas Dungeon
  • Added new story content pertaining to the end of the dungeon
  • Reworked Credits scene.
  • Added three new textboxes.
  • Three menus have been updated.
  • WASD has been included!
  • Altered the stats for the Economizer. (Now MAT +15, DEF\MDEF -10)
  • Fixed certain chests not having "Empty." message.
  • Fixed old, outdated dialogue in some places
  • Invisible backgrounds on choices are fixed more.
  • Fixed textbox issues.
  • Removed more old files.
  • Removed project files.
  • Converted Healing Water events to a Common Event.
  • Minor area tweaks.
  • Old graphics in some areas have been updated.
  • Tweaked certain chest item amounts.
  • Other bugs fixed.

There wasn't time to implement the enemy redesign or the new shop, I'm sorry about that. These will be added into the next update, along with two new enemies to go into the Otnemarcas dungeon.

You might have noticed in the demo notes that WASD has been implemented and that I can confirm! Players can use either WASD or the arrow keys, depending on their style of play. The L/R buttons that were mapped to Q/W have been remapped to Q/E, and the A button, which doubled as a shift secondary, has been solely mapped to WASD controls.

Plans for the future? Can't say for sure quite yet, but I know what I do want to get done for 1.9.3 is...

  • Two new enemies
  • Cutscene tweaks
  • Added cutscenes
  • More interaction in Otnemarcas
  • More interaction in Niji's Realm
  • A hint towards a secret hidden in plain sight

Can't say what more I'd add to the update yet, but we'll see! For now, please enjoy the demo, and again, let me know if there's anything you'd like to see in-game next!

Get Gate:Way - Crystal Fragments | Aurum Demo

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